2018 Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes and Experiential Learning Symposium

October 11, 2018 – October 12, 2018

Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, Ontario 33 Gerrard Street West Toronto 1-800-243-5732

Detailed Program: Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes and Experiential Learning Symposium – Full Program Guide

Program at a Glance: Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes and Experiential Learning Symposium – Program at a Glance

The keynote speaker for this year will be Ryan Craig from University Ventures.  Click HERE to see keynote presentation.

Plenary panel members include:

Plenary: Moving Forward on Experiential Learning: Tracking, Measuring, and Scaling Up

Plenary: Higher Education Business Roundtable

Plenary: Large-Scale Assessment of Student Learning 

Please check back here frequently – session material will be uploaded as soon as possible.


9:00 a.m. – 10:00 am

Session 11: Experiential Learning in Policing and Other Large Enrolment Programs

Presenters: DEE MORRISSEY, Centre for Academic Excellence, and BILL HIBBERT, Police Foundations, School of Public Safety, Fanshawe College

Session 55: The Anatomy of the Empowered Educator

Presenters: VALERIE LOPES, Seneca College and DAVID PORTER, eCampusOntario

Combined Sessions 24 and 58

Combined Session 24: Learning Outcome Assessment of Entrepreneurial-WIL

Presenters: ALON EISENSTEIN, Impact Centre, University of Toronto and BRENDAN WYLIE-TOAL, GreenHouse, St. Paul’s University College, University of Waterloo

 Combined Session 58: Using Reflection to Assess Learning Outcomes

Presenters: ERIN KELLY, Professional Development Program and JASON GROVE, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo

Session 48: Experiencing Quality: Quality Assurance in Experiential Learning

Presenters: CHRIS SINCLAIR and CONNIE WINDER, Office of Academic Excellence, George Brown College

Session 51: Aligning Evidence with Outcomes: Conestoga’s Student Work Repository

Presenters: SACHA BURROWS and TRISH WEIGEL-GREEN, Academic Administration and Library Services, Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning; JAMES BROWN, Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board, PEQAB Secretariat

Roundtables: 45, 46 and 64

Roundtable 45: Co-Curricular Transcripts: Using Experiential Learning as Evidence

Presenter: HEATHER RAIKOU, Academic Quality, Georgian College

 Roundtable 46: Central Supports for EL and LOs – Reflections on the Journey

Presenters: JENNIFER KOPCZINSKI, Centre for Pedagogical Innovation and STACIA HEATON, Co-op, Career and Experiential Education, Brock University

 Roundtable 64: Developing a Toolkit for the Design, Delivery and Assessment of Experiential Learning

Presenters: JENNIFER MARTIN, NATASHA HANNON, MARY WILSON, and DANA WETHERELL, Centre for Academic Excellence, Niagara College

Session 35: Making Sense of the Holistic Student Experience

Presenters: JOSEPH BEER and SHIRLEY HALL, Teaching and Learning, Wilfrid Laurier University

Session 110: Experiential Learning: Apprenticeship in Canada

Presenter: EMILY ARROWSMITH, Canadian Apprenticeship Forum

 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 am

Session 1: Assessing Critical Competencies in Higher Education: The HEIghten Approach

Presenter (Symposium Sponsor): OU LYDIA LIU, Academic to Career Research Center, Educational Testing Service (ETS)

Session 4: WSIB Career Success Program

Presenters: AMANDA MALKIEWICH, Experiential Learning, Mohawk College and SARA-JANE NEID, Cooperative Education and Career Success, Georgian College, Georgian College

Session 47: Uncharted Territory: A Model for Mapping the Co-Curriculum

Presenters: HEATHER CAMPBELL, Advanced Learning and Teaching Centre and JENNIFER FOLEY, Beryl Ivey Library, Brescia University College

Session 53: Restoring Land and Re-imagining Curriculum: The Pedagogical Potential of an Indigenous Garden

Presenter: JOEL BEAUPRÉ, Teaching and Learning, Conestoga College

Session 10: Sounds Good – But Is It Working? Assessing the Learning Outcomes of an Interprofessional Education (IPE) Clinical Teaching Unit

Presenters: JENN SALFI and KERRI PODWINSKI, Nursing, Brock University

Session 15: More Than Smiles and High Fives: Authentic Assessment in Graduate Teaching Development Programs

Presenters: KIMBERLEY A. GRANT and PATTI DYJUR, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary

Session 101: The Making of a WIL Quality Assessment Toolkit: an Algonquin College Evaluation Research Project

Presenters: MAUD MEDIELL, DAVID ADJO and JESSICA BROWN, Academic Development, Algonquin College

Session 57: Student Perception of High Impact Practices and Related Learning Outcomes

Presenters: NATASHA COOK, KAREN MENARD, Institutional Analysis and Research, and SOFIE LACHAPELLE, Department of History, University of Guelph

Session 83: Personal Growth as an Experiential Learning Outcome: Measuring Improvement in Student ‘Self-Efficacy’ and ‘Wisdom’

Presenters: COLIN FURNESS and EMMA FINDLAY-WHITE, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto

Session 66: Ontario Qualifications Framework: Evolution and Significance

Presenters: JAMES BROWN, Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB)

11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Combined Sessions 19, 43

Combined Session 19: Addressing Employer and Government Calls for Employability-skilled Graduates: a Transdisciplinary Study Assessing Students’ Ability to Identify and Articulate Employability Skills

Presenters: JILL TOMASSON GOODWIN, Department of Communication Arts; JOSLIN GOH, Statistical Consulting and Collaborative Research Unit; KATHERINE LITHGOW, Centre for Teaching Excellence,  University of Waterloo

Combined Session 43: Designing and implementing a personal development project (PDP) to track achievement of institutional learning outcomes using self-assessment and reflection

Presenters: NICOLE CAMPBELL, Physiology and Pharmacology, Western University

Session 69: Defining, Tracking, and Assessing Work-Integrated Learning:  A National Perspective

Presenters: ANNE-MARIE FANNON, Professional Development Program, University of Waterloo; CARA KREZEK, Co-op, Career, and Experiential Education, Brock University; and KRISTINE DAWSON, Co-operative Education, Career Services and Work-Integrated Learning, Conestoga College

Session 25: The CODE Book: A COurse DEvelopment Resource for Faculty and Course Developers

Presenters: MELISSA BARNARD and TRACY GEDIES, Centre for Academic Excellence, Fanshawe College

Roundtables 68, 72, 78

Roundtable 68handout: From Accreditation Standards to WIL Program Learning Outcomes: Reflections on Lessons Learned

Presenters: QIN LIU, University of Toronto

Roundtable 72: Entry-to-Practice Competencies for Professionals: Are We Measuring What Matters?

Presenters: JESSICA RICH, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University

Roundtable 78: Program-level Learning Outcomes for Biology Programs – The Vision, the Challenges, and the Realizations

Presenters: JADE ATALLAH, Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga

Session 108: Experiential Learning Activities Have Value for Both Technical and Generic Learning Outcomes

Presenters: DAPHNE BONAR, Office of Academic Excellence; ELISE HODSON, School of Design; and BEATRIZ DIAZ MOTTA, alumna, School of Design, George Brown College, MIKE RECINE and  NICOLE DIFILIPPO, Faculty of Applied Health and Community Studies, Sheridan College; and JUSTIN ST-MAURICE, School of Health & Life Sciences and Community Services, Conestoga College

Roundtables 49, 56, 59

Roundtable 49: Outcomes-Based Experiential Learning Design: Creating an Aligned Purpose and Plan

Presenters: LORRAINE GODDEN, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University and CAROLYN HOESSLER, Office of the Vice Provost Academic, Ryerson University

Roundtable 56: Supporting Experiential Learning through an On Line Learning Community

Presenters: JOB RUTGERS, Principal Ambient Experience Lab, Faculty of Design, OCAD University and MI SONG KIM, Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Education, Western University

Roundtable 59: Developing and Assessing Teamwork Skills in Undergraduate Students

Presenters: CHRIS RENNICK, Engineering Ideas Clinic; ADA HURST, Management Sciences; JASON GROVE, Chemical Engineering; and SAMAR MOHAMED, Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo

Session 95: Increasing Access to Experiential Learning for Graduate Students in Research-Based Programs

Presenters: LISA DALE, HEATHER WAKELY, and EMILY TORRESAN, Experiential Learning, the Student Success Centre, Western University

Combined Sessions 9, 74

Combined Session 9: A Trilogy of Experiential Learning in Sport Marketing Education

Presenter: DENYSE LAFRANCE HORNING, Faculty of Applied and Professional Studies, Nipissing University

Combined Session 74: A Re-Imagined Teacher Education Program’s Alternative Field Experience

Presenters: REBECCA HORETH and KATHY HIBBERT, Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Western University

 2:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Session 23: Assessing Lifelong Learning Using a Novel Rubric in a Work-Integrated Learning Program

Presenters: BOB SPROULE, School of Accounting and Finance; DAVID DREWERY, Waterloo Centre for the Advancement of Co-operative Education; JUDENE PRETTI, Waterloo Centre for the Advancement of Co-operative Education, University of Waterloo

Session 32: What’s my Grade?  A Focus on Student Assessment in Experiential Learning


Session 5: Conestoga College and Linamar Corporation: WIL Experience for Millwright Students

Presenters: LINDA CRAWFORD and JOY TOMASEVIC, Co-operative Education, Career Services and Work-Integrated Learning, Conestoga College

Session 60: Developing an Innovative Experiential Learning Program Using an Outcomes-Based Framework


Session 76: Community Engaged Learning in Undergraduate Medical Education

Presenters: KELLY HOLLINGSHEAD, the Student Success Centre, Western University; DUSTIN CARTER, Community Paramedicine, Middlesex-London Paramedic Service

Session 18: Own Your Future: A Curriculum-based Doctoral Professional Development Program

Presenters: JULIE KAISER and LORRAINE DAVIES, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Western University

Session 82: Supporting Students through Career Builder & Industrial Insights and Navigating Networks

Presenters: EMILY JONES, JEAN-PIERRE FERNANDES, and REBECCA DIRNFELD, Career and Co-op Centre, Ryerson University

Session 30: ePortfolios for Assessing Learning Outcomes

Presenter: SARAH TODD, Social Work, Carleton University

Session 36: Experiential Learning Consultations: Efficient and Effective Service for Scaling EL

Presenters: KATHRYN FIZZELL and CATHY KEATES Career Services, Queen’s University

 3:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Session 39 – handout: Supporting Learning Outcome Development with CVS Online

Presenters: KAREN BELFER and LIWANA BRINGELSON, Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS)

Session 109: Proseminars as Portfolio Career Preparation

Presenters: DANIELLE ROBINSON and CAROLYN STEELE, Dance, York University

Session 87: Learning Outcomes for Transfer—Publication Project: Examining International Outcomes-Based Approaches to Student Mobility

Presenters: CHRISTINE ARNOLD, Faculty of Education Adult Education/Post-Secondary Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland; MARY WILSON, Centre for Academic Excellence, Niagara College; and JEAN BRIDGE, Centre for Digital Humanities, Brock University

Session 38: Rethinking Rubrics

Presenters: LAURA KINDERMAN, Bachelor of Health Sciences, Queen’s University and ADAM McGREGOR, School of Business, St. Lawrence College

Session 41: Towards an Institutional Assessment Model: Re-Administering Post-Admission Assessments at Graduation to Measure Generic Skill Development in College Students

Presenter: PAMELA INGLETON, Student Success Initiatives; Centre for Teaching and Learning, Mohawk College

Session 91: Developing Art & Design Experiential Learning Outcomes: Navigating the Complex Terrain of Experiential Learning in Studio-Based Education

Presenters: SUSAN FERGUSON and CARY DIPIETRO, Writing & Learning Centre, OCAD University

Session 93: WIL@Western: Mining Undergraduate Talent

Presenters: FELIX LEE, Chemistry; SHAYNA KAY, CARMEN VENIER, and JENNA VEUGEN, Integrated Science, Western University

Session 107 Constructing Rubrics for Performance-based Assessments

Presenter: JORDAN HOLMES, Centre for Learning, Innovation and Simulation, the Michener Institute of Education at UHN

Session 54: Connecting the Dots: an Employability Outcome Approach to Peer Helper and Work Study Placements

Presenters: DANIEL POULIN and CHERYL DORAN, Student Experience Department, University of Guelph

Session 21: How to Facilitate Parallel Learning Opportunities through Course Design: Course Content (UGDLEs) and Learning-to-learn Skills Acquisition

Presenter: ROBYNE HANLEY-DAFOE, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Trent University

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 pm

Combined Sessions 20 and 70

Combined Session 20: Challenging Assumptions of Experiential Learning in First Year Undergraduate Students

Presenter: GILLIAN BALFOUR, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Trent University

 Combined Session 70: Exploring Unexpected Learning Outcomes of a Design Charrette

Presenters: WILLIAM POL and RUSSELL SCHNURR, GIS and Urban Planning, School of Design, Fanshawe College

Session 63: Learning Outcomes Assessment: Connecting Research to Practice

Presenter (Symposium Sponsor): JAVARRO RUSSELL, College Programs, Educational Testing Service (ETS)

Combined Sessions 80 and 81

Combined Session 80: A Collaborative Province-Wide Pharmacy Assessment Project

Presenters: ANNIE LEE, Pharmacy, University of Toronto and HENRY HALAPY, Pharmacy, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto

 Combined Session 81: I-EQUIPing our Next Generation of Health Professionals

Presenter: MADELYN LAW, Health Sciences, Brock University

Session 100: Experiential Learning at Scale

Presenters (Symposium Sponsor): DANA STEPHENSON, Director of Academic Partnerships and DANIELA PICO, Senior Account Executive, Riipen

Session 103: Widening Career Pathways for Arts and Social Science Graduates: Advanced Digital and Professional Training (ADaPT)

Presenter: WENDY CUKIER, Diversity Institute, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University

Combined Sessions 40 and 90

Combined Session 40: Expanding Horizons for PhDs: In and For Community

Presenters: MARTA STRAZNICKY and HEATHER MERLA School of Graduate Studies, Queen’s University

 Session 90: Using MAESD’s Career Ready Goals to Enhance and Expand Experiential Learning Across Diverse Graduate Programs Within the Context of an Urban University

Presenter: SANNE KAAS MASON, Yeates School of Graduate Studies, Ryerson University

Combined Sessions 67 and 105

Combined Session 67: Building Capacity for Experiential Learning Using Online Tools

Presenters: STEPHANIE HAYNE BEATTY, KELLY HOLLINGSHEAD and LISA DALE, the Student Success Centre, Western University

 Combined Session 105: Community, Computers and Collaboration- Creating a Blended EL Course

Presenter: SARAH McLEAN, Physiology & Pharmacology, Anatomy & Cell Biology, Western University

Session 71: Conestoga Career Course Partnership Embeds Gamification, Experiential Learning

Presenters: LISA BAUMAN, School of Liberal Studies, Conestoga College and MARK FRANKLIN, Co-Founder OneLifeTools

Session 94: Pathways to Engagement: Learning outcomes and Curriculum Pathways for Community-Based Research

Presenters: STEPHEN HILL, JIM BLAKE, and MYSTAYA TOUW, School of the Environment, Trent University 

Combined Sessions 16 and 65

Combined Session 16: Assessment of Learning Outcomes: A Mental Health and Wellness Orientation

Presenters: PATTI DYJUR, KIMBERLEY A. GRANT and KIARA MIKITA, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary

 Combined Session 65: Collaborating Across Campuses: How Western and Queen’s are Working Together to Provide Global Experiential Learning Opportunities for Students

Presenters: KATE PLACIDE, Experiential Learning, Western University and KEVIN COLLINS, Student Experience, Queen’s University


10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Session 12: Assessing Experiential Learning Outcomes with Digital Technology: They Did it! What Did They Learn?

Presenters: JULIE MUELLER and COLLEEN WILLARD-HOLT, Faculty of Education, Wilfrid Laurier University

Session 44: Setting the Foundation: Developing Co-operative Education Outcomes for Undergraduate Mathematics’ Programs

Presenters: LORI CASE, Faculty of Mathematics, JEREMY STEFFLER, Cooperative Education and VERONICA BROWN, Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo

Session 52: Network-based Outcomes Assessment for Program Improvement

Presenters: BRIAN FRANK, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and JILL SCOTT Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal, Queen’s University

Session 61: Writing Vocational Learning Outcomes

Presenter: KAREN BELFER, Ontario College Quality Assurance Service

Session 17: Mapping Life-long Learning: A Deep Dive into a Graduate Attribute

Presenters: PATTI DYJUR and KIMBERLEY A. GRANT, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary

Session 27 handout: Reporting, Relating, Reasoning, Restructuring: Actionable Learning Outcomes that Define Reflection

Presenters: GENEVIÈVE MAHEUX-PELLETIER and LISA M. ENDERSBY, Teaching Commons, York University

Session 29: Key Challenges for the Development and Implementation of an OSCE for Optometric Education

Presenter: PATRICIA HRYNCHAK, School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Waterloo

Session 22: Serious Games, Virtual Reality and Open Gameworlds: Toward Authentic Alignment

Presenters: DAVID CHANDROSS, Ryerson University; RAQUEL MEYER, The Center for Learning, Research and Innovation, Baycrest Health Sciences; EILEEN DeCOURCY, MARK IHNAT, The Center for Teaching and Learning, Humber College

Session 28: Acceptance Rates and Work Correlation in Experiential Programs at Osgoode Hall Law School

Presenters: RICHARD HAIGH and MICHAEL MCNEELY, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Combined Sessions 3 and 6

Combined Session 3: Creative Problem Solving – Driving Innovation

Presenter: JOSEPH DUDA, McKeil School of Business, Media and Entertainment, Mohawk College

Combined Session 6: Enhancing Experiential Learning through Search Engine Marketing Campaigns

Presenter: KAI-YU WANG, Goodman School of Business, Brock University

 1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Session 26: Fire Keepers: Experiential Learning of Indigenous Knowledge at Trent

Presenters: CATHY BRUCE, Teaching and Learning and BOBBY HENRY, School of Education, Trent University

Session 14: International Assessment of Generic Skills

Presenters: DORIS ZAHNER and KELLY ROTHOLZ, Council for Aid to Education (CAE)

Session 31: Service Learning in an Introductory Management Accounting Class

Presenters: STACI KENNO and GLENN SKRUBBELTRANG, Goodman School of Business, Brock University

Session 102: Aligning Outcomes and Experiences in a New Indigenous Studies Minor

Presenters: LORI CAMPBELL, St. Paul’s University College, Waterloo Indigenous Education Centre and TREVOR HOLMES, Centre for Teaching Excellence and Women’s Studies, University of Waterloo

Session 2: Under Our Noses: Existing Assessments as Critical and Creative Thinking Milestones

Presenters: PAISLEY WORTHINGTON and JOHN DAWSON, Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Guelph

Session 77: Histories of Settler-Indigenous Relations in Huronia:  Experiences and Outcomes of a Land- and Water- Based Course

Presenter: GARY PLUIM, Faculty of Education, Lakehead University

Session 62: Team-work: Assessment Guidelines

Presenter: KAREN BELFER, Ontario College Quality Assurance Service

Session 85: Faculty Course Alignment Workshops in Support of Developing Course Learning Outcomes

Presenters: SCOTT ANDERSON, DAVID HA, and BOB SPROULE, School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo

Session 34 Critical Thinking and Communication Skills: A Conceptual Analysis Task for Undergraduate Philosophy Students Modeled on Elements of the Socratic Method

Presenter: JAMES R CONNELLY, Philosophy, Trent University Durham GTA

Session 75: Building Conceptual Awareness: Experiential Learning and the Degree Level Standard

Presenters: Wm. PAUL MEAHAN, and MELISSA BARNARD, Centre for Academic Excellence and the School of Design, Fanshawe College