Appraisal Committee

The Quality Council’s Appraisal Committee reviews proposals for new undergraduate and graduate programs from Ontario’s publicly assisted universities, and makes recommendations regarding their approval to the Quality Council. There are minimally eight voting members on the Appraisal Committee, including the Chair. The Executive Director, Quality Assurance, is a non-voting ex-officio member. For more details, see Terms of Reference for the Appraisal Committee.

Membership Requirements of the Appraisal Committee

  • Must be nominated by the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV), and appointed for a three-year term
  • Must be senior academics who possess current experience in the development, delivery and quality assessment of both graduate and undergraduate programs (experience on Senate and its major committees or equivalent would be an asset)
  • Must represent a range of academic disciplines (including at least one member from an accredited professional/health science program)
  • Must include at least one individual who is bilingual

Committee Members

  • Dr. Pamela Bryden (Chair), Kinesiology and Physical Education, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Dr. Maureen Connolly, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Brock University
  • Dr. Kristy Holmes, Department of Visual Arts, Lakehead University
  • Dr. Brian Frank, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen’s University
  • Dr. André Phillion, Materials Science and Engineering, McMaster University
  • Dr. Ian Roberge, School of Public Policy and Administration, York University
  • Dr. Mark Schmuckler (Vice-Chair), Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
  • Dr. Kamran Siddiqui, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Western University
  • Dr. Christopher Evans, Executive Director, Quality Assurance Secretariat (Ex-officio)