The fees charged to universities to support the Quality Council are subject to approval by the Council of Ontario Universities’ Budget and Audit Committee and Board of Directors.
The fee is structured in two components:
University Assessment Fee: Each university is assessed an annual fee to cover the fixed costs of operating the Quality Assurance Secretariat that supports the Quality Council and its two committees. The fee paid by each university is calculated using the same formula as the COU membership fee, which is based on the percentage of total operating grants each university receives from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
Service Fees: A fee for service is charged for appraisal of proposals for new programs/major modifications and for reports required by either OCGS or the Quality Council. An audit fee is charged to universities in the year in which the Quality Assurance Audit takes place (once every 8 years). The service fees cover the costs of operating the Appraisal and Audit Committees and the costs of the audits.
For more information, please contact the Executive Director.