Review of the Quality Assurance Framework and Quality Council
It is mandated in Section 6.2 of the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) that an independent review of the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) and its application by the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance (henceforth the Quality Council), its committees (Appraisal and Audit) and the Secretariat be undertaken once every eight years. The primary purpose of the review is to ensure that our policies and procedures meet or exceed international standards of quality assurance.
This is the first of such a review, overseen by a Steering Committee consisting of representation from the Quality Council and its Secretariat, the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV), and the Council of Ontario Universities (COU).
The Terms of Reference for the Review can be viewed by clicking on the following hyperlink: First Review of the Ontario Universities Quality Assurance Framework and Council – Terms of Reference
On behalf of the Steering Committee in preparation for the external review visit the Secretariat prepared a self-study on the Quality Council’s various operations during its first eight years. This document included submissions from the Quality Council and each of its two committees for the consideration of the external reviewers whose site visit constituted the first phase of the review process.
The self-study can be viewed by clicking on the following hyperlink: Quality Council’s Self-study
The members of the External Review Panel, all seasoned senior academics with wide international experience in quality assurance systems, issued their Report in May 2018, which set out fifteen recommendations. Most of the recommendations cluster around three related themes: (i) the desirability of a clear statement of principles, (ii) a maturing system with greater local authority for QA issues, and (iii) a lessening of bureaucratic and regulatory burden while increasing transparency and accountability.
The Report of the External Review Panel can be viewed by clicking on the following hyperlink: External Review Panel Report
The Steering Committee received the Report and submitted it, with comment and recommendations, to OCAV and the Quality Council for their disposition. The Steering Committee Report can be viewed by clicking on the following hyperlink: Review Steering Committee Report
On recommendation of the Steering Committee and with agreement by the Quality Council and OCAV, an Implementation Committee has now been formed. The Implementation Committee’s primary task will be the detailed work involved in implementing the recommendations that have arisen from the Review. The Terms of Reference for the Implementation Committee can be viewed by clicking on the following hyperlink: Terms of Reference for the Review Implementation Committee