Approved Programs

New undergraduate and graduate for-credit degree programs that have been approved by the Quality Council on or after September 1, 2011 are detailed in this database, which can be searched in multiple ways: by university, year, program level and/or keyword.

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Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine, MA and PhD

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: February 23, 2024

Description to follow

Master of Arts in Security and Defence Studies, MA

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: November 24, 2023

Description to follow

Masters of Applied Science in Anatomical Sciences Education, MASc

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: December 15, 2021


The proposed Masters of Applied Science in Anatomical Sciences Education to be offered by the Department of Innovation in Medical Education (DIME) is a 20 month research paper-based program. This program focuses on anatomy education and modern medical education principles, aligning with the strengths unique to this Department. DIME is the home of a modern human anatomy laboratory (a unique resource essential to offering this program) and possesses the required expertise to teach in this laboratory course-intensive program and to supervise students in education scholarship projects. This program will be a unique program in Canada in which learners will develop clinically relevant anatomy knowledge, teaching skills and anatomy education scholarship during their first year and will then benefit from immediate, hands-on application of this acquired knowledge in their second year. In year two, students will serve as anatomy teachers in the Faculty’s Medical Program and conduct their own education scholarship projects. This program will focus on student-centered learning and teaching strategies (especially in the anatomy laboratories) that will provide a transformative and innovative educational experience consistent with current best practices. Finally, this program will be the first of its kind to offer anatomy instruction and laboratory training in both French and English.


La maîtrise ès sciences appliquées en enseignement des sciences anatomiques (ESA) qui est proposée, et qui sera offerte par le Département d’innovation en enseignement médical (DIEM), est un programme à base de cours s’échelonnant sur 20 mois et aboutissant à un projet de recherche. Ce programme se concentre sur l’enseignement de l’anatomie et sur les principes de l’enseignement médical moderne, en harmonie avec les forces uniques du Département. Le DIEM compte un laboratoire d’anatomie humaine moderne (une ressource unique qui est essentielle à ce programme), et possède l’expertise nécessaire pour dispenser de l’enseignement dans le cadre de ce programme intensif à base de cours en laboratoire, ainsi que pour superviser les étudiants chargés d’un projet de recherche en éducation. Ce programme sera un programme sans égal au Canada. Les apprenants y acquerront des connaissances en anatomie pertinentes cliniquement, des compétences en enseignement et en recherche en enseignement de l’anatomie durant leur première année, puis ils profiteront de l’application immédiate des connaissances acquises et de la pratique au cours de leur deuxième année. Durant la deuxième année, les étudiants feront office d’enseignants d’anatomie dans le cadre du programme de médecine de la Faculté et mèneront leur propre projet de recherche en éducation. Ce programme porte essentiellement sur les méthodes d’apprentissage centrées sur les étudiants et sur les stratégies d’enseignement (particulièrement dans les laboratoires d’anatomie). Ces dernières fourniront une expérience pédagogique novatrice et transformatrice, conforme aux pratiques exemplaires actuelles. Enfin, ce programme sera le premier en son genre à offrir un enseignement en anatomie et une formation en laboratoire à la fois en français et en anglais.

Nutrition and Food Biosciences, MSc

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: August 20, 2021

La Maîtrise en nutrition et biosciences alimentaires se concentre sur le développement des compétences de recherche avancées pour répondre aux enjeux actuels dans les domaines de la nutrition et des biosciences alimentaires au Canada et dans le monde. Le champ d’application de ce programme de sciences fondamentales et appliquées couvre le continuum de la transformation des aliments à la santé et au bien-être. Ce programme interdisciplinaire offre un enseignement avancé dans trois domaines d’expertise principaux : la nutrition clinique et de santé publique, les sciences alimentaires et la nutrition cellulaire et moléculaire. Ce programme permettra aux étudiants d’acquérir une formation approfondie de la composition chimique et des caractéristiques physiques des aliments, qui déterminent leur valeur nutritive et leurs propriétés sensorielles. Ils étudieront les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires soulignant les effets métaboliques associés aux rôles de la nutrition et de l’alimentation dans la promotion de la santé et la prévention et le traitement des maladies d’ordre nutritionnel. Le champ d’application de ce programme de sciences fondamentales

et appliquées couvre tout le continuum de la formulation des aliments, au métabolisme des nutriments, jusqu’à la santé et au bien-être.




The Master of Science Nutrition and Food Biosciences focuses on developing advanced research competencies to address current challenges in the areas of Nutrition and Food Biosciences in Canada and globally. The scope of this fundamental and applied sciences program covers the continuum from food processing to health and wellness. This interdisciplinary program offers advanced education in three main areas of expertise (clinical and public health nutrition, food sciences and cellular and molecular nutrition), which allow students to investigate the role of nutrition and food in promoting health and preventing and treating nutrition related illness. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the chemical composition and physical characteristics of foods, which determine their nutritive value and sensory properties. They will study the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the metabolic responses to different foods and diets and be able to communicate the importance of good nutrition for maintaining health and managing diet-related diseases. This program addresses the continuum of research from food formulation to metabolism, focusing on the intersection between healthy food and healthier lives.

Complex Project Leadership, GDip (Type 3)

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: January 11, 2021

Description to follow.

Contemporary Art Theory, MA

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: June 19, 2020

The Master of Arts in Contemporary Art Theory is a bilingual program intended to develop research capability in various fields of contemporary art history and focuses on graduating academics specializing in the areas of contemporary art, contemporary visual culture (cinema, television, internet) and visual theory.

The program seeks to bring the methodologies of art history, visual culture, film studies and critical theory into dialogue with the contemporary world of images and representations, as well as digital visual humanities (online art networks, publications, collections, and archives).

This is a unique program in Canada because of its ability to offer: courses in both official languages; interaction with the collections and exhibitions of major cultural institutions (both federal, such as the National Gallery of Canada and municipal, such as the Ottawa Art Gallery); direct dialogue between art history graduate students and their Master of Fine Arts peers; interdisciplinarity (with gender studies, cinema, French studies, and digital humanities); student involvement in faculty research projects; and global perspectives (involving Environmental studies; World Cinema; and Middle East and Global South Studies).

The Master of Arts in Contemporary Art Theory will foster a strong depth of knowledge in academic research related to contemporary visual art and theory and the intersections between art and other fields (film, media, digital).  Via research and scholarship graduates of this program will acquire a wide variety of skills that develop their ability to participate in an academic research environment in their chosen field of specialization.  The program requirements encourage the development of high-level communication skills and the development of a wealth of transferable skills that will be useful to graduates regardless of their ultimate career trajectory.

Maîtrise ès arts en Théorie d’art contemporain

La Maîtrise ès arts en Théorie d’art contemporain est un programme bilingue destiné à développer les capacités de recherche dans divers domaines de l’histoire de l’art contemporain et s’adresse aux universitaires diplômés se spécialisant dans les domaines de l’art contemporain, de la culture visuelle contemporaine (cinéma, télévision, internet) et de la théorie visuelle.

Le programme vise à créer un dialogue entre les méthodologies de l’histoire de l’art, la culture visuelle, les études cinématographiques et la théorie critique avec le monde contemporain des images et des représentations, ainsi qu’avec les sciences humaines visuelles numériques (réseaux artistiques en ligne, publications, collections et archives).

Ce programme est unique au Canada en raison de sa capacité à offrir : des cours dans les deux langues officielles ; une interaction avec les collections et les expositions des grandes institutions culturelles (tant fédérales, comme le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, que municipales, comme la Galerie d’art d’Ottawa) ; un dialogue direct entre les étudiants diplômés en histoire de l’art et leurs pairs de la Maîtrise en Arts Visuels ; une interdisciplinarité (avec les études sur le genre, le cinéma, les études françaises et les humanités numériques) ; la participation des étudiants aux projets de recherche du corps professoral ; et des perspectives mondiales (impliquant les études environnementales, le cinéma mondial et les études sur le Moyen-Orient et le Sud Global).

La Maîtrise ès arts en Théorie d’art contemporain favorisera une forte profondeur de connaissances dans la recherche universitaire liée à l’art visuel contemporain et à la théorie et aux intersections entre l’art et d’autres domaines (cinéma, médias, numérique).  Grâce à la recherche et aux bourses, les diplômés de ce programme acquerront une grande variété de compétences qui développeront leur capacité à participer à un environnement de recherche universitaire dans leur domaine de spécialisation.  Les exigences du programme encouragent le développement de compétences de communication de haut niveau et l’acquisition d’une multitude de compétences transférables qui seront utiles aux diplômés, quelle que soit leur trajectoire de carrière finale.

Public Health, MPH

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: February 21, 2020

The MPH is a course-based program with an experiential learning component (Public Health Practicum) and a culminating experience (Applied Public Health Capstone Project) which demonstrates integration and synthesis of public health skills and knowledge. It is to be completed full-time over 4 terms.

The MPH builds on the School of Epidemiology and Public Health’ s(SEPH) existing strengths in global health, population health risk assessment, and empirical public health sciences. The content and structure of the program are also consistent with the Canadian Guidelines for MPH programs developed by the Network of Schools and Programs of Public and Population Health, the entity which represents the professional and academic public health community in Canada.

The MPH program will produce professionals who are competent, flexible, and ready to respond to diverse and changing population, disease, and political contexts in Canada and globally. In short it will prepare candidates for meaningful professional careers in the field of public health. The program has three goals: prepare leaders for strong and professional public health practice and policy work in Canada and globally; for graduates planning a professional public health practice career, ensure a superior understanding of the policy perspective; and for graduates planning a public health policy career, ensure a superior understanding of the scientific evidence perspective.

Students will opt into one of four areas in which to focus their learning: Public Health Practice, Public Health Policy, Global Health and Population Health Risk Assessment.

The MPH program can offer enhanced policy training to all enrolled students, and a policy stream that is unique in Ontario. This program will create leaders in the practice of public health and in public health policy analysis.

Another feature that is unique to the uOttawa MPH is that students may elect to undertake intensive language training (15 units over 5 terms) throughout their MPH studies through the MPH+ option. This option will help MPH students improve their abilities in a second (or third) language and will help them pursue their public health career-related goals in the language of their choice. MPH + students may take language courses in French, English, Arabic , Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

Anthropology/Doctorat en anthropologie, PhD

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: January 24, 2020

The program features innovative training that brings together the existing strengths of anthropology (field work, ethnography, international experience, and multidisciplinarity) with a contemporary theoretical approach to the study of anthropology. Moreover, the program features a new curriculum that includes a professional development seminar and a comprehensive exercise that favours the integration of doctoral candidates into the labour market.

Le programme propose une formation innovante qui intègre les forces existantes de l’anthropologie (pratique de terrain, ethnographie, expérience internationale et multidisciplinarité) à une approche théorique contemporaine de l’anthropologie. De plus, le programme propose un nouveau curriculum qui incorpore un séminaire de formation professionnel et un exercice de synthèse afin de favoriser une meilleure intégration des doctorants au marché du travail.


Environmental Sustainability, PhD / Doctorat en durabilité de l’environnement

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: November 22, 2019

The PhD in Environmental Sustainability is an interdisciplinary degree that focuses on graduating professionals and academics specializing in the areas of environmental science, economics, law, and policy. The objective of the PhD in Environmental Sustainability is to train leaders and professionals with the skills and capacities needed to be effective in developing, analyzing, and empirically evaluating public policies and institutions designed to address the multiple challenges associated with the transition to sustainability. Students will be trained in considering environmental problems from the perspective of various disciplines of inquiry (with an emphasis on science, law, economics and policy) all of which are critical to the implementation and evaluation of solutions to environmental problems.

Le doctorat en durabilité de l’environnement est interdisciplinaire et vise à former des professionnels et universitaires se spécialisant dans les domaines des sciences de l’environnement, de l’économie, du droit et des politiques. L’objectif du doctorat en durabilité de l’environnement est de former des leaders et professionnels avec les compétences et les capacités requises pour être efficace dans le développement, l’analyse et l’évaluation empirique des politiques publiques et les institutions conçues pour aborder les défis multiples associés à la transition vers la durabilité. Les étudiants seront formés à considérer les problèmes environnementaux de la perspective de plusieurs disciplines (avec une emphase sur la science, le droit, l’économie et les politiques) qui sont cruciales pour le développement, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation de solutions aux problèmes environnementaux.

Entrepreneurial Engineering Design, MEng

Graduate University of Ottawa
Decision Date: November 11, 2019

The Master of Engineering in Entrepreneurial Engineering Design provides advanced training and mentorship in engineering design in the context of entrepreneurship. The focus of the program is on the design of new products or technology that will be commercialized or made available to have community impact for engineers who aspire to start companies. The program requirements encourage the development of high-level communication skills and the development of a wealth of transferable skills that will be useful to graduates regardless of their ultimate career trajectory. These learning outcomes will be supported at all levels of the program requirements through the evaluation and mentorship of professors, advisors, peers, startup project committee members, and external mentors and coaches.